


Ok yet another tweaked canning recipe I can not help it. I start to get the pot boiling and the ole' head just say "Hey wait a minutes what if we added some of this and a little of that Good Lord so far no causalities.

The more you can and preserve the more your taste will evolve.  Plus your people will tell you what you need more or less of.

Well let us get you started!
The chips are waiting!


12 pounds of peeled/chopped tomatoes
1/4 cup chopped garlic
1/8 cup chopped cilantro
1/3 cup olive oil to simmer onions (personal choice they can go in raw)
1/2 cup fresh chopped jalapeno with seeds makes it hotter  if you want mild discard the seeds
2 cups finely chopped white onion ( I like to see the onion in my salsa)
2 tsp cumin
1 tbsp. of chopped oregano
1 teaspoon smoked paprika (this is a Canarella additive so optional)
1 tbsp. kosher salt
1/2 cup lemon juice (fresh if you have it) You need the acid to water bath!
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

Prep your onions, jalapeno's and garlic. 

This is a really  easy recipe for you to make. You need to chop your cilantro and oregano.

Prep all your ingredients so they are ready and then you will add everything once the onions are done. 
Put your onions into a large soup pot and simmer untiI they are translucent
then add your garlic. Stir these up and add half of your tomatoes. Add your 1/2 your spice's let them all simmer for about 5 minute's. 

Once this is done add the the remaining spices vinegar, lemon stir and add the remainder of the tomatoes. I let the whole thing simmer for a few hours then I let in sit in the refrigerator over night. 

The next day I test it with some chips and see if there is anything else I need to add. Like more heat! 

Simmer your salsa so you can have it warm to waterbath. Have your waterbath, clean jars and lids ready to fill.  Ladle into pint jars ,wipe the rims, twists the top on and waterbath for 13 minute's. 

Remember to remove the twist on your jar wash the jar and label them. 

Disclaimer: This is not an all inclusive recipe for making jam. You should have a basic knowledge and understanding of the canning process before proceeding. Please consult your local Center for Home Preservation for additional information and available classes.      


  1. LOVE reading your recipes Lani! :) Love how you're totally not freakazoid about botulism and all of that. Love that you use fresh lemon juice and consider that sufficient. Okay, so here I go, wish me luck! Our first batch tasted like vinegar after three weeks. Maybe cuz I got a little freaked out about all the warnings, and it was my first time... So Im a little gun shy to put forth all that effort again. :) Thanks for making it so straightforward without the shoot yer granny and her death inducing recipes comments.

  2. I am so glad you found my site and my link party, In and Out of the Kitchen. I love to can, but still need a lot of work at it. Last year I made a bunch of applesauce! Jams and jellys are my thing, but I want to step out of my comfort zone and try some new things! Glad you are now a new friend!

    I am following you now! Can't wait to see what you are "Cooking" or should I say "Canning"?

    Cynthia at

    1. Thank you Cindy hope to build on our blogfriendship. Love your site


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