

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

The Book is Rumford Complete Cook Book ...1908....By Lily Haxworth Wallace

Ok so I go to get the book for today's recipe and I decide oh my looky loo they have a recipe for Preserved Rhubarb perfect because as you know from my gardening blog  I just got two hugh plants from the neighbor down the street and quite frankly I am sacred of Rhubarb. 

It is kind of like the teacher everyone hates but when you finally get her in a class she is really good and really nice who of so so

I am going through the book and on one of the back pages is notes from the owner of the book from 1916 her rhubarb jam notes to self WOOWOOO I scored and there are so many more hand written ones.

I guess I should have gone through the collection sooner...

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

Take 22 sticks of Rhubarb from the farm
2 large baskets of strawberries
4 cups sugar
1/4 cup of lemon juice (No seeds) and some of the rind

Chop your Rhubarb into small pieces and split your strawberries.

Put your fruit into a large pot with the lemon juice and rind. This is great jam to use with some whipped cream cheese with crackers. Sorry off topic . 

Bring this to a soft boil and add two of the cups of sugar for about one hour to soften the rhubarb and strawberries to a gel. Stir so it does not stick to the bottom of the pot! 

After one hour each addition cup of sugar (taste to make sure that it is not to sweet) continue with a rapid boil for another hour. It is the heat that is going to bring your jam to a gel not the sugar. You are not using pectin so the temperature should get to 223 degrees for a great gel. 

Once it is to gel pour into jars wipe the rims and add the seal and twist taunt. Place the warm jars into the water bath your jars for 12 minutes. Once they have done their time remove the jars gently ad put them on a towel on the counter. Once they have cooled completely remove the twist was the rim and label. Place in a cool place and they are good and yummy to go.

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