

Jalapenos in Honey Syrup

These are left from the dehydrating
So what do you do with those pesky little left over pieces of jalapeno that you have from dehydrating? Wait a minute I think we have left over honey syrup from our plums.....Oh you used all yours smart....I am not so good my problem is I am to how do you say annal picky-ish. Anywho you know I made the plums and there is always left over syrup so yup I did it. I took those little pesky leftovers and popped them in half pint jars and wala four jars of Jalapenos in Honey Syrup.

I stuffed them in the jars just the way they are
Yup there was just enough honey syrup left from the Plums and Jalapenos from the dehydrating  So here is a way to waste nothing even left over syrup and take it to the edge. This is going to be great over fish or chicken on the BBQ......
So sexy


  1. YUMMMM that sounds oh so tasty!
    Brooke - in Oregon :)

  2. Awesome blog! Just one little note: It's "Voilá", not "Wa-La", although that's pretty darn endearing :)

  3. VERY NICE. I appreciate the frugal aspect and the combination sounds delicous.

    1. It is delicious let me know how it works for you .. xoxo


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