

A little share on my finds

This ole table book was at one of my mama's friends home . I had said how I love old cookbooks.... Well since I have been at my mama's taking care of her I have had the opportunity to pick the brain of a fellow canner DeeDee who is skilled and old school...parfain wax you say! She has told me so many great stories and to has allowed me to pick through this old tablet...It was her Aunt's tablet she had used in German class and when she got older she used it to paste her favorite recipes....

 The picture I took of the page below had some old pickle recipes on it that once I get home will try...

While I have been taking care of my mama my sister took an old lunch pail i picked up at a garage sale and decorated it for cute did it turn out.

Here are some of the old canning book I found when I was out searching...I can not wait to get home and try some of the recipes in them.....Do you grab old canning books? There are so many new ones and I think that the old school takes us back to a different level .......well thank you for being so patient with me as I have not been able to can but when I get home from my mama's we will be on quite a roll and the winter months make it so fun to cook we do not have to sweat in the kitchen....

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