

Preserving Homemade Fermented Sauerkraut

Well 8 weeks of fermenting in the crock and this cabbage turned into the most tasty sauerkraut I have ever had. Now I have had many a type because I love it. I added some of my dried jalapenos to the bottom of several jars. This way during the summer I can enjoy some spicy dogs or put it on some chicken or fish. One delicious recipe I found was kielbasa with sauerkraut. I will post the recipe it is heaven on a plate.

Oui the mind is a spinnin', here is the link for fermenting the cabbage prior to canning.

 I am hoping to get Nanny Rosie's Sauerkraut Knish recipe from Susan. Nanny came out from Florida when the kids were little. When she came out she cleared my dining room table and set out to make them. She rolled out pastry on my table I was amazed at the old school skills. She was from Poland and her family died in the Holocaust.

Rosie had so many old school recipes and some are on Heavy Metal Spatula 

Canning Granny  has a great little post on how to do this with out all the gizmo's and high end tools. Go and check her site out.
It is always a good idea to check out more than one site.
Here is the National Center for Home Food Rules.

Also got a comment that "If you can it, you'll lose all the good bacteria that you just created. It will keep for many, many months in jars in the fridge and will just get better!" So now you have choices.

I took all the sauerkraut including the liquid from the crock and put it into a large pot. I brought it up to a steady boil adding just a cup of red wine vinegar (personal thing to add the extra vinegar)
Once the kraut was at a steady simmer for 15 minutes I filled the jars, cleaned the rims, and capped them and water bathed them.

Hot pack – Bring kraut and liquid slowly to a boil in a large kettle, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and fill jars rather firmly with kraut and juices, leaving 1/2-inch head space.

Raw pack – Fill jars firmly with kraut and cover with juices, leaving 1/2-inch head space.

Adjust lids and process according to the recommendations in Table 1 below

Table 1. Recommended process time for Sauerkraut in a boiling-water canner.
Process Time at Altitudes of
Style of Pack Jar Size 0 - 1,000 ft 1,001 - 3,000 ft 3,001 - 6,000 ft Above 6,000 ft
Hot Pints 10 min 15 15 20
Quarts 15 20 20 25
Raw Pints 20 25 30 35
Quarts 25 30 35 40

This document was adapted from the "Complete Guide to Home Canning," Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 539, USDA, revised 2009.

Look at the jalapenos at the bottom that should pack quite a Boom boom boom.

Please note you will loose the lactic acid bacteria of your fermented food when water bath canned at any temperature above 161 F. And they also loose it by using your fermented food in warm cooking.


  1. It's really a toss up for me on whether I want to can or just ferment in a jar due to the probiotics. Its guaranteed that if you can the probiotics get killed correct? Just double checking! thanks for your recipe!

    1. Nope they will be all gone. I want to thank you for this comment I so love when a reader reminds me of thing's many people may not want to ask. I added a note to the bottom of the post so again Thank You Billy!


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