

Grape Marmalade

So with all that grape juice I got from the grapes we picked I tweaked a grape jelly recipe twice in one day.

I am by far a Jam making girl. I just adore the taste and texture of Jam's and Preserves.

Jelly not so much. But as usual it is a personal preference.  We all get to have them how we wish when making our own jams!

What a load of home gown stuff it pay's to have friends with fruit!
The making of any grape jam is time consuming. I do have to say though that it is really the strainer that does all the work. I have to admit cleaning and cooking them was a great experience.

You can use 100% pure grape juice for grape jam's. I like to see and create what I eat in and out of jar's.
 The recipe is simple here you go


4 cups of fresh grape juice
1 cup of lemon slices thin  no pith that is the white stuff
1 cup of lemon guts that is the best part
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
* Here is a link on how to get the guts out easy
4 - 5 cups sugar
* With the amount of citrus you are adding you should not need pectin. BUT if you feel better
    use no more than one box please!

* Put the pectin and the same amount sugar into a measuring cup and mix it up it makes it easier to add and dissipate into the mixture when added.

Lemon Peels
Alright start by putting your grape juice into a large pot.  Bring this to a soft boil and while it is getting there add lemon peels and guts. Add the lemon juice.  Bring the grape juice and lemon stuff to a rapid boil, stir- stir -stir.

If you are adding pectin do it now and  keep stirring.

You want this to come to a rapid boil  that you can not stir down.

With all the stirring you do when making jam I find that having everything measured and ready makes the process easier.

Ok rapid boil ? Now add your sugar. Good continue stirring your jam it should be coming back to a  rapid boil and have foam on the top.

The pictures show on the foam page with the little bowl of foam is what I scraped off prior to jar-in' up.

Ok your jars should be clean - Here is a quick note from Pick your own my go to site

Alright now all that is left to do is fill those jars 1/4" from the top

  • Wipe the rims, 
  • Cap and water bath. 
  • Water bath for 15 minutes.  
  • This makes about 8 half pints.

This is almost identical to the grape and strawberry jam but a few different ingredient's. Enjoy

Disclaimer: This is not an all inclusive recipe for making jam. You should have a basic knowledge and understanding of the canning process before proceeding. Please consult your local Center for Home Preservation for additional information and available classes. 

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