

Raspberry, Blackberry Strawberry with Cinnamon Jam

This is a Very Berry Jam like pie in a jar. The Strawberry, Blackberry and Raspberry combo is so delicious. I have made combo Jams prior to this one. I have a Every Berry even Cherry I made when I got a shipment of cherries from Washington.

Ingredients - 8 to 10 half pint jars

3 cups strawberry
2 cups raspberry
3 cups blackberry
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
2 cinnamon stick to simmer while cooking in batch (optional)
3 to 4 cups sugar

Have all you ingredients and equipment ready. Take you berries strawberry, blackberry and raspberry along with the lemon juice and cinnamon and cinnamon sticks.put them into your pot. Bring this up to a simmer and have it warm enough to do your smushing.

I use a potato smasher to accomplish my smuch. Sometimes I use my immersion blender. Never use an Immersion blender with strawberries they already have way to much air and you will loos the beaufiul Jam look.

Once you have gotten the right consistency you can add your sugar one cup at a time. Make sure you allow the sugar to dissipate between adding the next cup of sugar.

As I told you before I do not use pectin. I like to either use a natural pectin or let the jam heat up to a temperature of 223 degrees that will give you the perfect gel. Most of the Time!

Here is our Pot all smushed up and sugar ready. I do keep a lot of the fruit whole. I think there is nothing better than biting into a nice piece of fruit! Yum!

Well once you have your gel point shut off the stove and let it sit
 while you get your jars ready. It is time to get that jam into the jars. Take your warm jars out of the water-bath. Place them on a cloth covered counter next to your jam pot.

Fill each jar till it is 1/4 inch from the top rim of the jar. Once they are all filled wipe the rim of the jars with a clean cloth.

Tip --  I have sponges and cloth's I use only for canning that I wash separate and keep in a separate box. This way I know they are ready for canning and are clean once I start another canning project. 

Now, put the two piece top on and twist the top taunt.  Although they have said now you do not have to warm the lid portion with the seal I do. I have another post on that subject so let not get off topic. Something I do a lot!

Alrighty got all the seal and twist on place them into the water-bath for 12 minutes. Once they are done turn off the heat and remove the jar's. Place you jars on a cloth covered counter and let them cool for no less than 12 hours. Once cooled remove the twist clean you jars and label. Wa La More Yummy-ness

Disclaimer: This is not an all inclusive recipe for making jam. You should have a basic knowledge and understanding of the canning process before proceeding. Please consult your local Center for Home Preservation for additional information and available classes. 

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