

Strawberry Basil Shrub

Strawberry Basil Shrub just one more from the collection I have in my book Shrub by Michael Dietsch. You can also grab a lot of recipes on the WWW I feel so repetitive posting these recipes but they all have different flavors.  We are blessed here in Ventura County to be one of the areas that has strawberries year around. Although they are not as sweet as the Summer crop they are just a good. 

Also, today I made three Shrubs I figured that as long as I was at it and had the fruit it. I made Strawberry Balsamic with Mint , Blueberry Lavender and this one. They all turned out delicious. 

Let us get started. 


  • 1 cup chopped strawberries
  • 1/2  cup of red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 cup of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 cup of turbinado sugar or honey
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves roughly chopped

In a large bowl place your chopped strawberries and chopped
 basil leaves cover them with the turbinado sugar/honey.  You want to get as much flavor out of those strawberries. You want the sugar to dissipate

Stir and smooch let it sit for about a half hour. I use a potato smoocher to do this part. Once everything is mixed well let this mixture sit for a day in the refrigerator so that all that flavor mixes.

The next day add your vinegar and let this sit for one more day in the refrigerator.  

Now it is time to strain your syrup. Take a strainer any one will do. I use a jelly strainer most times. I do this because in the end I can squeeze so much flavor from the strawberry mixture. Also I am an active preserver of food and I use this strainer for many other projects. good tool to have on hand.

This shrub turned a pretty dark color with the balsamic vinegar added. Today we used a standard strainer to strain my jelly strainer was in use elsewhere. Once your mixture is strained put it into a glass container and refrigerate. It will last up to 2 weeks refrigerated. 

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