
Pressure Canning Potato Soup

Pressure Canning Potato Soup goes from the Kettle to the Jar in no time.  Remember we Can Not use Dairy when Pressure Canning! 

The Pressure Canning How to of this delightful soup is here! So to Pressure Canning Quart/Pints Jars of Potato Soup get your supplies and ingredients and let us get started.

First let us talk about why we do not add thickener's to our soups in general. Adding flour or other thickening agents to a canned soup prevents heat from penetrating to the center of the jar. This is going to interfere with the safe processing which would destroy the bacterial spores that cause botulism. Never add thickening agents to home canned products. And never puree your soup the heat will not be able to get it to a safe temperature.

Wait until you are ready to prepare the soup or food for eating time. When you open and prepare it you can add the flour, cornstarch or other thickening product to it as well as any diary products.

Once you have made your Potato Soup here is the make sure you do list:

  • Make sure the soup is boiling prior to canning
  • Have your pressure canner prepared
  • Sanitize the canning jars and lids
  • Ladle soup into clean sanitized jar  leaving 1" head space
  • Wipe the rims off the jars clean and cap with twist cap
  • Tighten them so they are secure but not super tight. Taunt is good
  • Process filled jars in a pressure canner, at 10 pounds pressure for weighted canners or 11 pounds for dial-gauge canners, for 90 minutes for quarts or 60 minutes for pints. 

Let us get the recipe started enough information even though knowledge is so powerful in our canning world.  


5 pounds of potatoes (each pd makes 2 cup per quart jar give or take)
3 - 32 ounce chicken broth 
2 strips of bacon chopped (optional)
Half of 1 white onion finely chopped
2 garlic cloves finely chopped
salt and pepper to taste

NOTE: To add the bacon is a personal option. It is such a small amount in the recipe that I have never had an issue with the time or the results. BUT please use caution as this recipe has not been tested by the National Center for Home Preservation.

You need to get all your ingredients ready for the potato soup. This is one rule I follow be ready. You must peel your potato's the chance of botulism is in the spores they grab it from the soil. So peel !  Toss the peels into the compost pile no waste.

This is a bad potato. It seems so unnecessary to show you but it is always good to see the bad as well as the good!

Alright get all your chopped potatoes into a large stainless steel pot of water. You always want to start your potatoes in a cold water not hot or boiling. Yes, there are as many reasons to this subject of hot vs. cold that it would interfere with the topic to go into it. But to keep it simple you want to always start the potatoes in cold water this way you can insure the potato will cook evenly for the soup.

Get a nice simmer not to much.  For only about 5 to 10 minutes they will completely cook in your pressure cooker. Have your warm chicken stock in a separate pot. Keep the water with your chopped potatoes you may need the extra liquid to fill the jars. You will be taking the potatoes from the water to fill the jars.

Now lets prepare the prepare the bacon, onions and garlic. I cut the bacon with my kitchen scissors. 

In an iron skillet (My Favorite) cook the bacon just until it is getting done. Add the chopped onion just as the onion's getting a nice color add the garlic and cook for a few more minute.

Once this is all golden brown I will chop or crush it a bit smaller. Bite size.

Alright you now added the ingredients to your jars. First add the bacon mixture, and then the potatoes to about 3/4 of the way full.  The pressure canning will break down the potatoes with the extreme heat. 

If you want to add any spices prior to adding the chicken broth do so now. So much of the potato chunks will break down naturally in the Pressure Canning process.

Now add the chicken broth until it is 1 inch from the top of the jar. This is important when pressure canning the jars and ingredients need the space to do what they do best. Once the jars are full use a knife or chop stick to move the ingredients around to assure there is no extra air pockets in the jars. You may have to add more broth once you take this step.
Wipe your rim's clean around the jar and cap and twist the seal taunt.

Place your jars into your pressure canner and do not over stuff the pressure canner. The jars should be close but not touching. Yes I could probably put another jar in but I am a very cautious canner.

Add a tablespoon of 5% vinegar to the water in your canner it will get rid of any hard water stains that would be left on your jar's.

Pressure can your pint jar's for 60 minutes with 11 pounds of pressure. Quart jars for 90 minutes 11 pounds of pressure. When finished allow the pressure canner to release the pressure naturally and remove top carefully. Let the gauge get down to ZERO. Remove jars place on a towel covered counter and let them cool overnight. Watch it they are HOT.

Once cooled wash and wipe your jars clean remove twist lid and store for 6 months to one year in a cool dark pantry or spot.

Return the twist lid after the jars have been opened.

Label and date them. I have forgotten and have eaten many a mystery soup in front of the fireplace.

Disclaimer: This is not an all inclusive recipe for making jam. You should have a basic knowledge and understanding of the canning process before proceeding. Please consult your local Center for Home Preservation for additional information and available classes.


  1. I made it and it was great! I did end up using a lot more broth but that is ok! Thanks for the recipe.

    1. Anita there is a lot of opinion's on Pressure Canning Potato Soup but so far everyone is accounted for! xoxo Thank you for visiting!

  2. Bacon is a meat, if it's included in the soup, wouldn't you have to pressure can for the time necessary for meats? 75 min for pints and 90 min for quarts, or can it be canned for less time, because of the small amount of meat in the soup? TIA

    1. Because their is meat in the recipe I always do 90 minutes for quarts and 75 minutes for pints. It's better to be safe.

    2. Agreed And I will update the post. Thank you. Better safe then sick.

  3. The amount in comparison to the ingredient in the soup outweigh the time. But if you feel safer to pressure can for a longer amount of time it will in no way harm your soup! Thank you for the question I will add a little note to the post.

  4. You say chicken broth in the recipe but covered potatoes with cold water? No where does it incorporate broth. What are you doing?

    1. Read the instructions. The potatoes are cooked in cold water so they par-cook evenly. They are drained out of the pot before filling the jars with the chicken broth ad other ingredients.We are pressure canning potato soup. Thank you for your comment.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Kathy thank you so much for that comment. I never realized that. I use water for cooking the potatoes. I then use the broth to half my jar's of potatoes in the recipe. And water for the other half. Some recipes call our for plain potatoes thus the water. I did update it and want to Thank You again for that update! xo

  7. My pressure cooker came with an 15 lbs. pressure relief. Will that work or will I have to find a 11# one?

    1. I have 15# weight as well plus a dial. I have to visually watch my dial at 11#.

  8. Hi Dennis I am a little stuck on your question. My gauge goes up way past 11 pounds but I use the heat to adjust and keep it at 11 pounds. The pressure relief is just a gauge that releases the pressure regardless of the pounds. I think you should go to this site http://nchfp.uga.edu/publications/uga/using_press_canners.html or the manufacture site to get precise answer. I would hate to stear you wrong when using a tool. Thank you

  9. Do you follow canner instructions of 3 quarts of water in pressure canner and exhaust steam for 10 minutes? Some recipes I have seen say to fill the canner half way and don't mention exhausting steam ..... not sure what is correct?

  10. The link here gives you all the information. I put the water 3" high in my canner and then took a marker and marked the spot for the future. Also yes you must let the steam out. Remember all recipe are for the recipes only in the end. Go to the link to always get the right information. It is my go to link https://nchfp.uga.edu/publications/uga/using_press_canners.html

  11. Why drain potatoes, do you have to? Can you just leave it in the water you par cooked them in

    1. Yes you can but it will cook the potatoes' even more. Good either way.

  12. Just read your recipe and directions. And want to know why the difference in canning pressure/time from beginning of directions to the recapping directions directions at the end.

  13. Can I can premade loaded potato soup and precooked chicken or should I do them separately?

  14. Beginners, please note that the canning will be done in a pressure canner and not a pressure cooker.

    1. Thank you for clarifying this. I was reading through the steps and was going to make sure to comment the same thing. It's So Very Important not to try canning projects in a pressure cooker ... Pressure cookers don't maintain the heat consistently enough for the entire time needed for canning. Pressure Canner/cookers are made specifically for this reason as they DO.

  15. Whenever I make potato soup, I cook the potatoes in the chicken broth. Can I still do this before canning?

  16. I gave it a try, and it turned out fantastic! I did need to use quite a bit more broth, but it worked out perfectly. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe!


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