But I did make some great Sugar Snap Pea's. This year my garden threw out so many we were eating them like potato chips. I even took them to Oaktown each week. So here is a delicious little fast Quick Pickle Snap Pea's in a Quart Jar.
So this April Challenge came as the last of the Snap Pea's were coming around and it was just in time as I do not like to waste anything. So grab you pickling hat and let us get started.
A bunch of Snap Pea's (enough to fill a quart jar)
1/2 cup Rice vinegar
1/4 cup regular vinegar
1 cup water
1/4 cup brown sugar
pinch of red pepper seeds
pinch of citrus salt/a garlic clove
Wash your vegetables and I chopped the small amount of ends off. I do this because many a time I have found the smallest of bug's/dirt in the tip top of the vegetable they hide really good!
Making Quick Pickles is so easy and for the gardener it is a great thing to be able to take just that last bit of vegetable or fruit and make a couple of jar's for the fridge.
Now take Your liquid and spices and warm them up in a small pot. It is always good to have your jar's warm when putting up. The vegetables can be room temperature that makes it better. You just do not want cold to hot it can crack the jars.
Let your spices and liquid simmer on low for at least 10 minutes. Now you can get your jar ready with your ingredient's.
Put your Snap Pea's into the jar. A few things to keep in mind is that you really do not need to smash as many as possible just fill the jar and gently press to get them all in.
Fill the jar with the liquids until they are covered. Clean the rim and cap. Place the jar in the refrigerator and let them sit for a week or so to let the flavor's co-exhist.
One week passed and I opened that jar and it was Quick Pickle Heaven ! It is surly endless the amount of vegetables you yourself can make into Quick Pickles. Do not be shy and be daring. Enjoy the process and as usual any questions please just comment!
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