
Spicy Lemon Pepper Vinegar

Lemon Pepper Vinegar. Story is I grew these peppers thinking they would be a bit hot and fruity. Well here is the definition of these hot little devils. 

" Hot Lemon chili peppers, botanically classified as Capsicum baccatum, are an heirloom variety that belongs to the Solanaceae or nightshade family. The brightly colored peppers are spicy, ranging 15,000 to 30,000 SHU on the Scoville scale, and are known for their steady burn mixed with intense, fruity flavors"

Prior to ever knowing the heat of these beauties I decided to make a Red Wine Vinegar with them once they had dried out !

The instruction for drying is on this post. But wait you can do this when the peppers are fresh. Why not !

This is super simple the tools you need are mote then likely in your pantry. Get a bottle and you all know I save my bottles.


  • Peppers (Dried or Fresh) 
  • Bottle or Container
  • Funnell
  • Gloves for your hands if using fresh peppers
  • Red Wine Vinegar (You can make you own)

Have everything ready. Start by making sure your bottle is clean. Place the amount of peppers into the bottle. After tasting my finish product three would have been more than enough. It was Spicy ! 

So many peppers have so many different effects on flavor. I put a few to many thinking the taste of the Red Wine Vinegar was strong. Well indeed it was but those peppers yikes. Note the tops of my peppers remain. I do this to keep all the seeds inside the pepper.

Alright now grab you Red Wine Vinegar. I will usually use my home made vinegar but as I have just arrived in my new home in the forest I have yet to brew some up.

Alright and now you can pour the vinegar into the bottle. Leave a little room at the top about an inch. This is just for safety. Nothing is going to bubble or change. Once this is done you can seal the bottle with the cap and put in a cool pantry or cupboard for a least three weeks. 

So there you have it. I have used mine for chili's and other recipes that call for Hotter than S***** seasoning. But I have made others here is a link to the Tarragon Vinegar I made. Yumm on fish !


Homemade Chili Powder

Home made Chili Powder who would have imagined it would be so easy. Gather all those beautiful peppers you grew this last season and dry them out. You may have a large selection or just one type pf pepper the amount is not important. 

Once you have gathered your peppers. I have made Cheyenne Powder from the peppers I used to make my own Hot Sauce. This process is a type of fermentation followed by gathering your peppers to dry for powder. I will link at the bottom of this post so you do not get side tracked. 

Here are a few tools you will need to Dry in the Oven
  • Peppers
  • Food Processor
  • Gloves
  • Mask or swimming goggles
  • Cookie Sheet
  • Parchment Paper
  • Strainer

You may also use a dehydrator to dry your peppers I will give instructions on this  once we have completed this process. 

****** A Few Cautionary Tips ********

Use gloves to protect your hands. You do not want to rub your eyes or lick those fingers once any pepper residue has gotten on them.

Chili Peppers contain a compound called capsaicin. This compound can cause a burning sensation in the nose and lungs. When this compound comes in contact with your mucous membranes, it causes irritation and inflammation. This can cause you to cough, choke, wheeze and make breathing difficult. In sever cases it can cause lung damage. Be extra cautious when opening an oven when drying peppers. Keep the fan on over the oven.

I hope this does not stop you. I have had to learn the hard way these little tips but believe you do not want to breath it. I have and it is not fun. Just remember do not rush use your head and stay ventilated when making anything with peppers. 

Alright gather all your tools. Clean your peppers and remove the stems. You do not have to cut the top off just if there is a blemish on your peppers. 

 With your glove's, goggles and mask have your  food processor ready and start to chop the peppers and put them into the food processor seeds and all. You just want to chop them not pulverize them. 

Once chopped you will spread them onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Pop them into a 140 degree oven and keep the oven a crack open to let the air circulate and not create any moisture. Turn the cookie sheet every 20 minute's until dried. This could take up to 4 hours. 

 Here is a picture of the how much is on my cookie  sheet. 

Once your seeds and stuff have dried all that is needed is to 
crush them. I sometimes will use an old coffee grinder turn spice maker for this step. 

But my go to is my Mortar and Pestle I do all the time. Here is a picture mine is granite I got when I went to Santa Fe for a cooing class.  I love it. 

With Chili Powder you can keep seeds crushed but not pulverized. I like mine a bit finer texture when they are super hot peppers. This way I can be a bit more cautious. A pepper seed can be a blast of heat but alone on your tongue yikes.

So for this the Coffee Grinder works best. 

Beautiful is it not ! Creating your own spices are endless. I also have many posts on freezing and dehydrating so many of your herbs and things you grow in your own garden. 

Make your own Tabasco Sauce 


Making and Freezing Herb Butters

One thing that I have found that comes out so wonderful is a good Herb Butter. As a go to and to have on hand for so many recipes as well as a party platter. (charcuterie fancy pant's definition) 

This recipe can be used for any butter to be mixed with any herb. It is simple, freezes well and great to have on hand.


  • 2 cubes unsalted butter
  • One Bushel of fresh dill
  • Parchment paper

The process is easy. You will start by taking some unsalted butter and bring it to room temperature. I will use 2 cubes this makes one cup of butter. We are going to finally chop approximately one cup of fresh dill. Fresh is best for this recipe because the dry will become soft and mushy which can change the color and texture of your butter.

Whip this mixture together in a small bowl with a mixer or by hand. I say mixer because we all have so many different types of them. I have a old school hand mixer. My Kitchen Aid is a tool I use for big jobs and baking.

For this I will do it by hand with a spatula.

* I do not add garlic or salt to this or any of my herb butters 

Once you have your mixture completely mixed you will want to have you parchment paper ready. Lay your parchment paper flat on the surface/counter. You can secure the corners with anything to hold it in place. The first pictures shows my mixture being placed on the parchment paper.

This second shot shows the butter mixture rolled up ready to go. Give your self enough parchment paper to roll it twice to prevent and freezer burn.

And finally the ends are closed I just use a rubber band. Anything will do cooking twine, rubber band, tie wrap.

Now you can put it in the freezer for up to 3 or more months. When you are ready to use it remove it from the freezer and slice it. I use it for so many things. 

I have put some tips below this post. 

This buttery post is so wonderful for so many things in the kitchen you will do as a creator of deliciousness. For all of you who I do know have a herb garden or impulse buy of basil at TJ's. During the summer season we do grow so many herb for preventative reason in the garden as well as for cooking and medicinal reasons. 

Those fresh herb can be turned into flavorful butters to use through out the year. Anything from Party Trays . After you freeze your butters they can be cut into slices return to the freezer for an easy way to add to cooking for soups, fish, chicken or fresh Bread. The ideas are endless as you will find with so many of my recipes and DIY idea's. Enjoy!


Homemade Bone Broth

Something I do every year regardless of any other issues my broth collections is a must. I do Chicken Broth, Beef Stock and the latest is Bone Broth. I have been a foodie girl for as long as I can remember. Bone Broth well it seems that in the last few year it has become quite a thing. For gosh sakes I remember my Grandma use to give that to us it was the cure all for many things.

A interesting thing about Bones and Bone Broth. You can use your bones (BEEF) over and over. Actually until they dissipate. That is amazing. So after I make my broth using beef marrow bones I will freeze them for there next adventure. Some people may think that why are there veggies in this broth this will add extra flavor. Make it your own. 


2-3 pounds of bones (Use either beef marrow, chicken ,pork)
2-4 carrots, sliced and quartered
2/3 celery stalks sliced
1 white onion
4-6 garlic coves - Smashed 
2 bay leaves
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (breaks down the proteins and tissue)
salt and pepper to taste
Water to cover 

How to:

First step is to boil the bones this will take out any yucky stuff like coagulated proteins, blood and impurities. this give you a clean and better tasting broth.

Here  is  a picture of the stuff that came out of those bones. Eu

You can see why this is important. Your bone broth should be a clean broth. Now strain the broth and return it to your stockpot.

There are a few steps you should take prior to getting the stock pot going. You want as much flavor as possible out of those bones. After you have boiled them remove the bones and place the bones and your veggies on a baking sheet. I use two sheets to make sure they are evenly distributed. 

Roast them in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 to 30 minute's. I season them and turn after the first 10 minutes. Do not wait to turn you do not want your  seasonings to burn. We are looking for Flavor !  


Once you take your bones and veggies out of the oven you can put them into the stock pot make sure the broth covers the ingredients add water if you need to they  all should be well covered. Add all the remainder of your ingredient's and let this simmer for up to 12 hours and up to 24.  If you start this process in the morning you can put the pot in the refrigerator overnight. Once you are awaken you can skim the fat off and continue with the process. This brew can not be over cooked. The simmer makes the flavor. The longer you cook this the better and deeper the flavor.

Now you need to prepare to Pressure Can your Broth. One thing you need to do first is strain your broth. Take a large stock pot with a strainer on top and strain your mixture. First take your bones out of the pot. Clean your bones and freeze them for the next batch. You can use your bones for a long time honestly until they dissipate. Next remove all the vegetables  herbs and large pieces of ingredient's. 

Time to pressure can is 60 minutes for pint jars and 75 minutes for quart jars. At 10 to 11 pounds pressure. Once they are done make sure the pressure has gone down. Plus the rest time is better for your seal on the jars.

Alrighty then take your jars out remove the twist, label with content and date made then store.

I do save the beef from the broth for soup. I will make a couple of pint jars to hold the beef and pressure can it at the same time.


Canning and Preserving Tools

Canning and Preserving Tools are a dime a dozen. Everyone has an opinion on what we need and how to use it. Today I decide that I am going to share some of my tools and tricks that I use for my preserving jobs. I do a lot of preserving of food and many different tools, machines and things are necessary. Yes, I have purchased some of the stupidest things in canning and some of my lifesaver tools. Here are just a few of the necessary tools and idea's.

This post will be in no direct order just as I drop a picture in I will tell my "opinion" on the item. 

We all have to start with the basic and that would be a Pot for Water bathing you jars of food. I started with a cheap Steel/Porcelain Pot that did a great job of of water bathing (If that is a word) You can do quarts, pints and half pints. Most come with a rack. I use to put a washcloth on the bottom long before I ever got a rack. It was what Grandma taught me to keep them from moving and cracking. Funny right!

Pressure Canner is a must for all your non-pickled items. 

There are many tools to use with your canning pot and they come individually or you can buy them one at a time as needed. Let me explain each.

First the funnel this tool is essential to keep your jars clean and counters clear of jam or what

ever you are doing to preserve. 

Next to that you have a jar lifter it is next to the pot for getting the hot jars out without burning yourself the next few are ones I am mentioning but never use. The green pen like tool is a magnet tool get lids out of the hot water. I use a small pot putting hot water into it from the waterbath to heat the lids then pour the water back into the waterbath once I have the lids out and on the jars. No waste. The next two tools one is a tool to help open jars. This is a kit. I buy my stuff separate as needed and usually at yard sales or thrift stores 

Latex Gloves and Goggles                                                                                                                                       

Latex gloves are one of the tools I have in my kitchen for all things not just preserving food. Great to keep the smell of garlic and onions off your hands when chopping. 

The reason I use them when preserving food is I want to make sure that I do not cross contaminate any food with anything. I do not use them to wash the fruit or vegetables because washing the food already cleans it and my hands are clean. Once cleaned I put them on to chop and separate the fruit. Each different fruit I change the gloves. I use them in so many ways when canning  don't think I could list them all. 

Goggles are for onions when I Dehydrate Onions or use them for Onion Marmalade.

Jars, Lids and Twist Top

Jars, lids and twist tops. These come in three main sizes. Quart, pint and half pint. You need to sanitize all your jars prior to canning and keep them warm to fill. I will put my jars into the waterbath and bring the water up to a rapid boil then turn it down until I am ready to fill the jars.  You can reuse the jars and twist over and over. 

Candy Thermometer

This is an important tool for me with my jams. I am not a pectin user I have been able to find other alternatives which have worked well. One is this candy thermometer. I learned at a Lemon Marmalade Class up in Oaktown at June Taylor that if you can keep your jam at a rapid boil and the thermometer up to 222 to 223 it will jell. And you can make your own Pectin.

Wooden Spoons

This is a touchy subject with Germ-a-fobs but this tool is resilient in the kitchen. With so many reasons why let me just hit a few. They are a warm utensil they do not shock the jam being boiled or stirred. They won't draw up heat and burn your hand. Wooden Spoons are strong and super durable. They do not react to Acid mixtures. 

Jelly Strainer and Food Mill

Jam is my thing but if you make Jelly or anything that needs to be strained this is the tool. I have made Grape Jelly with mine. I also used it for all my Scrubs when straining was needed. 

I use for jellies which I rarely make. Also if you need to make seedless jelly/jam I also have made it to open and link in a new tab so you can just go back to the original without losing your spot.

This is a food mill essential for butters and clear jellies. I use it for all my Butters and Scrubs. It is a bit time consuming but then all things preserving are. I do not mind the work because of the wonderful results all year long. 

My food mill is great for all things seedless, fruit butters. To smooth out potatoes, some soups and the bonus is you can do it with you ingredients hot or cold. 

Lets talk spices and grinding. We have all heard the that you can use a old coffee grinder and I did for a long time. I still have uses for it. Unfortunately, I never took any shots of my coffee grinder in action. But to the right you see my Mortar and Pestel my go to grinder. 

Next a crock pot one I personally use on occasion. These day's there are so many recipes that they call out for a crock pot. I like to slow cook some of my preserves, soups and broths. It is all in the stir, chop and watch the process. 

My crockpot is the go to for my Apple Butter. I use to have the crock pot from my first marriage it was beyond old. I finally got  a new one when I watched a show where the crock pot burnt the home down. Yikes! 

Spice bags yes there are two ways of doing this. Buy them already made or make your own. Simple use some cheese cloth and tie. 

Here are your standard tie bags ordered on line or any craft store. 

This list is on going feel free to lave a comment on your tools

My tools are endless but I have given you a place to start. Canning and preserving tools are a personal pick and you choose what you need. Good Luck and Happy Preserving!